Vivienne Claire Burgess was born on November 10, 2013. Vivienne was a joyful child that brought smiles and joy to so many people who knew her. She loved books, spending time with her big sister, Elianna, and playing with her friends at school. On November 12, 2016, our lives changed forever. After a fun Saturday celebrating our daughter Vivienne's 3rd birthday my husband, Wade, put her to bed just like every other night. About a half hour later I went in to check on her and give her a final goodnight kiss and found her not breathing. and unresponsive. I frantically tried to resuscitate Vivie until the the EMS arrived who were able regain a heartbeat. Vivienne was then rushed to Childrens hospital and put on life support . After exhausting all avenues to save her life, she was taken off of life support the next day as we lay next to her. Vivie's cause of death remains unknown and has been deemed Sudden Unexplained Death in Childhood (SUDC). As we navigate this new world with Ellie we are desperate to find meaning and ensure we help others in Vivie's memory. VIvienne's Joy Foundation was established to meet this goal.